Birding Community E-Bulletin

The Birding Community E-Bulletin is an email newsletter concerning birds, birding and bird conservation. Coedited by Paul Baicich and Wayne Petersen, the newsletter is distributed by email at the start of each month and is intended to keep friends and associates abreast of important bird, birding and bird conservation news.

On this page, you will find an archive of past Birding Community E-Bulletins hosted by the National Wildlife Refuge Association. Please note that some of the links, especially on the older issues, may no longer be active. You can always subscribe to the newsletter here!

Read the March 2025 Birding Community E-bulletin

The March edition of the Birding Community E-bulletin has arrived! You will find your favorite columns, including Rarity Focus, Access Matters, and Tip of the Month.

Birding Community E-Bulletin Archive


Jan | Feb | Mar


Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec


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Praise for the Birding Community E-Bulletin

American Redstart | Roland Jordahl

“I get a lot of e-news these days, but I always look forward to getting the Birding Community E-bulletin to catch up with what is happening in the world of bird conservation and birding. The rarities report is great, and I always get good background information on bird news.”
-Jon Andrew, Past Chief of Refuges, USFWS Southeast Region

“There aren’t many publications that make me say ‘wow’ after every paragraph. Come to think of it, there’s only one – it’s the Birding Community E-bulletin. I can only imagine the painstaking work that the two editors do to craft this gem. Whether you’re an expert birder or an amateur (like me) you’ll be fascinated, enlightened, and truly entertained by this wonderful service. And you will say ‘wow.’”
-Ray Brown, host, “Talkin’ Birds” on WATD, WCNX, WNBP, and more

“The E-bulletin is a hugely valued source of information both for my work as a conservation professional and for my enjoyment as a birder. It manages to distill the essence of stories of interest as can only be done by thoughtful editors who have a killer sense of what’s crucial and what’s fluff. No other source comes close. ”
– Charles D. Duncan, Director, Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network, Executive Office

“I enjoy and rely upon your Birding Community E-bulletin to keep me informed and in touch with events and issues of interest and importance to me. I get all the magazines. They sit on the coffee table waiting to be read. I field a blizzard of calls and emails that have already transmuted events into issues and concerns. Thanks for cutting out the middlemen and giving me the skinny. ”
– Pete Dunne, author of many books, director of the Cape May Bird Observatory

“In this day of email overload, the Birding Community E-bulletin often garners a feeling of ‘too long to read’ for me. But somehow it seems that this is also one of the few emails I read as soon as it comes in… I am finding this to be an invaluable resource for birding and conservation information.”
– Chris Eberly, Program Manager, Dept. of Defense Partners in Flight

“Every time I see a new Birding Community E-bulletin in my mailbox, I skip my other messages and go straight to it. Nowhere else do I find this combination of important birding news, including reports of rarities from all over, with cutting-edge conservation information. As someone who loves both the sport of birding and the birds themselves, I treasure this monthly gem. ”
– Laura Erickson, author, 101 Ways to Help Birds

“In the daily blizzard of incoming email, the Birding Community E-bulletin never fails to catch my eye every month, and I devour it immediately. Not much of a ‘rarity chaser’ these days, I get to enjoy vicariously the best bird finds around the country. More important, I always appreciate the punchy and pithy news about the hottest conservation issues, political winds, legislative opportunities, and upcoming events affecting birds and the protection of their habitats across the Americas. If you appreciate birds at all, and you also pay attention to the news, then you want to receive the E-bulletin.”
-John W. Fitzpatrick, Director, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology and Past President, American Ornithologists’ Union (2000-2002)

“A large part of my job as editor of Birding is keeping current and being aware. The Birding Community E-bulletin cuts through the clutter, and it delivers timely and relevant birding news. It’s an indispensable reference for me.”
-Ted Floyd, Editor, Birding (ABA)

“I’ve read the Birding Community E-Bulletin since its launch and value it for the unique combination of recreational and conservation news that it provides in an easy to access format. I especially appreciate the care that the two editors take to ensure scientific accuracy and relevance of information to the bird conservation community.”
-Tom Franklin, Past President, The Wildlife Society

“When I see the Birding Community E-bulletin in the Subject line of an incoming e-mail, I know that it’s time to refill my water bottle, get cozy on my chair, and settle in for a good read that’ll bring me up to speed on different topics. The E-bulletin gives me concise but detail-ripe reports, and it gives me links to explore further. I like the links, the short paragraphs, the variety of topics, and the chance to imagine hearing Paul and Wayne’s distinctive collective voice reading it to me. ”
– Amy K. Hooper, editor, WildBird

“I’m pretty well tuned in to birding and bird conservation, and I get information from many sources, but my single best concentrated source is the Birding Community E-bulletin. When it arrives I drop everything and read it right away, and without fail, I learn important new things every time. ”
– Kenn Kaufman, author of Kaufman Field Guide to the Birds of North America

“It’s always a welcome sight to see the Birding Community E-bulletin in my email queue. I subscribe to several bird-related listservs but this one document not only pulls together the most current conservation news on issues I work on but also covers other issues that are of great interest. The information is always detailed, substantive, and easy to read. I don’t hesitate to immediately forward to Defenders’ internal bird listserv since I know my colleagues will find it interesting and helpful as well. ”
– Caroline Kennedy, Past Senior Director of Field Conservation, Defenders of Wildlife

“The monthly Birding Community E-bulletin helps remind us that BIRDS are BIG, and in so many ways. Most of us are a bit out of touch with many of the big, important issues, but the E-bulletin brings them home to us, with the straight stuff and no fluff, and with authority from two people we all trust. ”
– Donald Kroodsma, former professor (U. Mass) and author of The Singing Life of Birds

“The most valuable and eagerly-awaited communication in Birding, the Birding Community E-Bulletin always provides up-to-date, novel, insightful, comprehensive and indispensable news on birds and their protection. ”
– James A. Kushlan, Past President, AOU (2004-2006)

“Like others, I am flooded with e-mail, including a dozen or more periodic bulletins and alerts from bird-oriented groups. One stands out and always gets priority – the Birding Community E-bulletin. I read it thoroughly and usually save them for future reference. It is just the right mix of serious conservation news – and unlike most, it brings us those rare nuggets of good news, too! – along with fun birding news. And I always know that the reports are researched carefully and are accurate and free of exaggeration or bias. ”
– Ellen Paul, Executive Director, Ornithological Council

“Wonder. Inspiration. Science. Politics. Esoteric facts. I dip into the Birding Community E-Bulletin each month as a sort of one-stop shop for birding tips, a dose of bird envy, and a quick pulse on policies and politics both good and bad for birds. I love this E-bulletin! It’s a “must” for anyone who delights in the beauty and biology of birds, whether for pleasure or profession.”
 – Lynn Scarlett, Former Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior

“Receiving the Birding Community E-bulletin is a little like encountering a fast-moving flock of fall warblers—there is a lot of action, it comes at you fast, and leaves you pumped up for the next encounter. The E-bulletin is the briefing I look forward to make sure I’m up to speed on all the latest bird conservation issues.”
– Peter Stangel, Senior Vice President, U.S. Endowment for Forestry & Communities

“This is The New York Times of birding electronic newsletters. I’ve been getting newsletters, news items, and press releases about birds and birding for more than 20 years. But the Birding Community E-Bulletin puts all others in the shade. It’s always meaty, informative, and insightful. Each item in every issue seems more interesting than the last. It’s refreshing to have someone distill the most important bird-related information from all the clutter. I read every single issue. ”
– Bill Thompson, III, Editor, Bird Watcher’s Digest

“The Birding Community E-Bulletin puts my birding in a context – conservation efforts, political context and scientific news. As birders, we are advocates for conservation and the kind of information we get through the bulletin deepens our own understanding and makes us more effective in our conversations with others.”
– Barbara Volkle, Past President, Friends of Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge

“I always enjoy the E-bulletin. It is one of the very few electronic newsletters that I read end to end! ”
– Alan Wentz, Past Senior Group Manager of Conservation, Ducks Unlimited

“These days it’s challenging to keep up with all the information that comes at us. When I see the Birding Community E-bulletin in my inbox, I open it eagerly, knowing that the information it contains has been sifted down, by two knowledgeable and skillful birders, to what’s most important, useful, and interesting.”
-Lisa White, Director of Guidebooks, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company