The Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge - a vital refuge, wetland, and community treasure - needs your voice!

The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GA EPD) is considering permits for a proposed mine near the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. This mine could threaten the health of the Okefenokee Swamp, the ecosystem it provides, its wildlife, and the surrounding communities.

Here's why the Okefenokee NWR is irreplaceable:

  • Wildlife Sanctuary: The Okefenokee provides critical habitat for hundreds of species, including threatened and endangered ones like the red-cockaded woodpecker and the eastern indigo snake.

  • Natural Water Filter: The swamp acts as a giant natural filter, purifying water for millions of people in Georgia and Florida.

  • Economic Engine: Tourism and recreation around the Okefenokee NWR supports local businesses and jobs.

Take action! Submit your comments to the GA EPD by April 9th, 2024, urging them to deny the permits.

We have provided a sample comment, but please feel free to personalize your comments and take inspiration from the points below.

What to include in your comments:

  • Briefly introduce yourself and explain your connection to Okefenokee NWR.

  • Highlight the specific values of the Okefenokee NWR that concern you (wildlife habitat, water quality, economic impact, etc.). You can read more about the values of Okefenokee NWR and the surrounding ecosystem on our latest blog.

  • Urge the GA EPD to deny the permits due to the potential threats to the Okefenokee.

  • Share your personal experiences at the Okefenokee NWR to better personalize your message.

Make your voice heard! We need your help to protect the Okefenokee NWR for future generations.