NWRA Heads to Seattle and Olympia in Washington

The National Wildlife Refuge Association’s staff members Geoff Haskett, Courtney Lewis, Caroline Brouwer, and Mark Musaus went to Seattle, Washington on Wednesday, October 9th to attend a fundraising event at the Seattle Tennis Club. NWRA’s Board member, Dragana Connaughton, connected NWRA to Jane Scott who was kind enough to help put the event together. Jane had 50 of her conservation-minded friends attend which resulted in a very successful event. A number of NWRA Board members also attended the event. 


Afterward, the Board of Directors met at the Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge in Olympia, Washington for two days of Board meetings. The first day, the Refuge Manager Glynnis Nakai and her partners gave presentations about the refuge complex. Afterward, the Board started the Board meeting and lasted the rest of the day. On day two, the Board meetings continued with Board business and the Board had some training from Jonathan Poisner. On Saturday, the staff and Board members went on a hike around the refuge led by Glynnis. It was a very successful and productive Board meeting!