In an outrageous move, the Trump Administration announced last night that the Interior Department is planning on transferring 560 acres of federal land to the military for border wall construction. One wildlife refuge is impacted.
As much as 300 acres are within the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona. Another 110 acres are in western Texas. The Cabeza Prieta NWR acres that will be impacted are extremely remote and contain critical wildlife habitat, which could soon be bisected by an impenetrable 30-foot wall.
““The Administration is using this narrative of a “national emergency” to rewrite the borders of our refuge lands. Only Congress has the authority to change the boundaries of federal lands, and it is despicable that the President and Interior Secretary are willing to irreparably damage our refuge lands with no oversight, no environmental review, and no public support.””
We absolutely oppose this move, and demand answers on what Refuge System resources are going to be further sacrificed for the building of this wall.