Of Dollars And Cents: A Webinar For Your Refuge Friends Organization

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Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020 at 4 pm EST


A recipe for basic financial management and reporting for small Refuge Friends organizations.

What We Will Cover:

  • Overview of financial responsibilities and risks for board members

  • Incorporation, what is involved?

  • Approval by IRS of public benefit Corporation status

  • How to recognize unrestricted, donor-restricted, and board designated funds

  • Critical information to be captured for each expenditure and approval of expenditures

  • A simple way of tracking financial transactions using spreadsheets

  • Financial reporting requirements (monthly and annually)

    • Activity reports (P&L) from your spreadsheets

    • Financial position (Balance sheet) from your reconciled checkbook

  • So what is next: operational reserves and annual budgets


Treasurer and other board members of Friends groups with gross receipts of less than $50,000. These are the Friends organizations that are allowed to file a simple 990N annual report with the IRS.

Creators of the webinar content:

Willem Stoeller, treasurer of the Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex and Keith Palevsky, team member of our financial committee.