Twin Pines Minerals of Birmingham, Alabama originally applied to the State of Georgia and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in July of 2019 for permits to begin strip mining on thousands of acres adjacent to Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. Opposition to the proposal was so fierce that the permit application was withdrawn.
However, Twin Pines Minerals is back again having filed for a new permit on a slightly smaller mining operation in the same location. They are hoping that this smaller mine will not have to undergo the scrutiny of a full environmental impact statement and they are calling it a “demonstration project.”
This is a smokescreen for the original work that called for the use of draglines to excavate land next to the refuge to an average depth of 50 feet over 2,400 acres. Later work, continuing for as much as 30 years would impact almost 12,000 acres. Similar mineral deposits exist the entire length of Trail Ridge, which is adjacent to the eastern edge of the Swamp. The potential for strip mining along the entire eastern boundary of the refuge is therefore very real.
This permit application is reminiscent of a proposal made by DuPont over 20 years ago. Outrage over the possible impact on the refuge resulted in DuPont terminating their plans. Twin Pines is proposing to try again and the threat to the refuge and the nearby Suwannee and St. Mary’s Rivers are greater than ever.
American alligators in Okefenokee NWR by Sarah Wyatt / USFWS
While slightly smaller in scope this proposal is expected to have the same impacts as the original project. Possible impacts include changes to the hydrology resulting from a disruption of the soil and sand ridge next to the refuge. Application is also being made for use of groundwater for the mining operation which could further alter the hydrology of the Swamp. Water is critical to the well being of Okefenokee – lowered or altered water levels could easily change the unique ecology of the Swamp. Public use and Wilderness values could be impacted due to the close proximity of the mining activity. Air quality and loss of hundreds of acres of wetlands are anticipated.
The Okefenokee Swamp, encompassed inside the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, is one of the world’s largest blackwater swamp ecosystems. Miraculously, it has remained almost entirely intact. The Swamp thus provides unique opportunities for scientific research on hydrology, plant ecology, fish and amphibian populations, and other wildlife. Over 700,00 people visit the Refuge each year generating an estimated 750 jobs in the region and over $64 million in revenue annually. Recognized worldwide as a Wetland of International Importance and designated as Wilderness by the U.S. Congress the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge is a resource too precious to be risked for relatively short term gain. All of these possible impacts need to be thoroughly evaluated before issuing a permit.
The current proposal is a cynical attempt to avoid the thorough environmental review that such a proposal deserves.
The Corps of Engineers is seeking comment on the proposal by May 28, 2020. A virtual meeting will be held on May 13 from 2:00 to 5:00 PM EDT. To attend the virtual meeting send an email to: with the subject line RSVP for 13 May Public Meeting TPM.
Read The National Wildlife Refuge Association’s Letter Here!
Public comment is critical to making sure that the possible impacts on Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge are addressed fully before deciding to permanently change this special place.