Wild About Wildlife Refuges Spring Campaign

We are again being reminded of the important role nature and the outdoors play during times of crisis and stress. Connecting with nature improves our physical and emotional health, which is why it is important for us to continue to promote, protect, and enhance the National Wildlife Refuge System. Today is Earth Day and the launch of our 2020 Spring Campaign. We have a $50,000 goal so that we can continue to promote, protect, and enhance the National Wildlife Refuge System. To add to the excitement, a few donors have pledged to match any donations up to $50,000. That means when you donate you are doubling the gift for wildlife refuges!

National wildlife refuges continue to be managed for wildlife in spite of the coronavirus and will be there for us to enjoy when this crisis ends. We will do whatever it takes to promote, protect, and enhance the National Wildlife Refuge System during these difficult times. We know that some people are dealing with financial uncertainty at this moment. If you can’t give, we completely understand. If you can, we’d love your help.