Become A National Wildlife Refuge Advocacy Champion!

We Need You! 

The National Wildlife Refuge Association and Coalition of Refuge Friends and Advocates are forming a core of well-trained enthusiastic advocates for the National Wildlife Refuge System. We will provide webinars to inform you about: 

  • The critical issues the National Wildlife Refuge System is facing—Wednesday, June 24th at 2:00 pm Eastern, 1:00 pm Central, 12:00 pm Mountain, 11:00 am Pacific 

  • How to prepare to present a strong case to your elected officials and others—Wednesday, July 15th  at 2:00 pm Eastern, 1:00 pm Central, 12:00 pm Mountain, 11:00 am Pacific

  • What you can do to make sure your message stays in front of your legislator —Wednesday, August 5th  at 2:00 pm Eastern, 1:00 pm Central, 12:00 pm Mountain, 11:00 am Pacific

Then every few months and when urgent action is needed, we will update you on what is happening at the national, regional, and local level so that you can continue to make sure that your government leaders know how much you value your refuge and why it, and other refuges in the system, are critically important for wildlife and for the people who care about them.

Please register NOW as a National Wildlife Refuge Champion. Let’s make our voices heard across the country.