Sylvia Pelizza Selected to the Board of Directors of the National Wildlife Refuge Association

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 8, 2020) –

Sylvia Pelizza, formerly with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, was named to the Board of Directors of the National Wildlife Refuge Association (NWRA) based in Washington DC. The NWRA is the leading non-government, non-profit voice advocating for wildlife conservation on the 568 refuges nationwide that comprise the National Wildlife Refuge System. 

The NWRA board of directors serves to direct the Association’s mission to protect, promote and enhance America’s wildlife heritage by focusing on strategic programs that benefit the refuges and the wildlife beyond its boundaries. Over the last 45 years, the NWRA has focused on three key strategies. First, advocacy, second, rallying the public, and lastly, identifying opportunities to improve the Refuge System. 

Pelizza retired from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2017. During her 36 years of employment with the Service, she worked throughout the continental U.S., Puerto Rico, and the Pacific Islands. She served as project leader at six refuge field stations and was regional refuge supervisor in the Southeast and Northwest regions of the U.S. She worked with several tribal nations; congressional leaders; federal agencies including the Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense, National Park Service, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of the Interior, Department of Justice; state agencies; local governments; non-profit organizations; and many hunter, angler, and related entities.  

Pelizza grew up hunting, fishing, gathering, camping, and hiking in the mountains of New Mexico. She originally thought she wanted to be a veterinarian because of her love of wildlife. Her ornithology professor at New Mexico State University told her about the Fish and Wildlife Service which changed her life’s direction. 

“Refuges are in my blood,” Pelizza said. I feel that my on-the-ground refuge experience will be a benefit to the Refuge Association and it gives me the opportunity to continue to work in a field I love.” 

“Sylvia’s 36 years of experience with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be extremely helpful to our organization,” said Carl Woodward, chairman of the board of the National Wildlife Refuge Association. “Her knowledge of our refuges will be invaluable as we move forward.”

Pelizza lives in Ocean Park, Washington with her husband Charlie. They have two grown children – daughter Sierra and son Kai. Having lived all over the country, Pelizza is enjoying settling down and living in the Pacific Northwest.

As the leading independent voice advocating on behalf of the National Wildlife Refuge System, the mission of the National Wildlife Refuge Association is to protect, promote and enhance America’s wildlife heritage through strategic programs that serve the System and wildlife beyond its boundaries. For more information, contact Courtney Lewis, National Wildlife Refuge Association, 202-577-3200.