The National Wildlife Refuge Association strongly supports the language released yesterday by the House of Representatives in their Build Back Better reconciliation bill that repeals the disastrous oil and gas development program on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This bill also buys back the leases that were improperly sold in January to ensure they will be canceled. The language included in the bill would repeal the creation of the oil and gas program included in the 2017 Tax Act, repeal the addition of an oil and gas program as a “purpose of the refuge”, and buy back the leases sold in the last minute sale before the change of administrations.
The coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, AK also known as the 1002 area to some | USFWS
The inclusion of the Arctic NWR language in Build Back Better is a huge win for conservation. As climate change visibly and irreparably alters our natural world, there is no excuse for or value in disturbing the pristine, native Arctic NWR Coastal Plain that is home to innumerable species of wildlife and essential to the future of the native peoples of northeastern Alaska. The Arctic NWR is the largest land refuge in the United States, and it is our collective responsibility to preserve and protect these lands for future generations.
We applaud Congress and the President for prioritizing this national wildlife refuge and including the repeal of the oil and gas program in the Build Back Better reconciliation bill. In particular, we want to thank Chairman Raul Grijalva and Representative Jared Huffman for their tireless devotion to the Arctic NWR, and the President and House and Senate leadership who listened to the passionate advocacy of the Gwich’in people and Arctic National Wildlife Refuge supporters across the country.