The Biden Administration announced on Tuesday the suspension of oil drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The Trump Administration finalized these leases on January 19, 2021, the day before inauguration. The National Wildlife Refuge Association is thrilled with this decision: the Arctic Refuge is one of the largest tracts of untouched wilderness and most ecologically diverse areas in the United States and should not be destroyed in exchange for the pittance received from the January lease sale. Known for its resident polar bears, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is also home to over 200 species of birds, brown and black bears, caribou, wolves, muskoxen, and many other species of wildlife.
We want to thank the Biden Administration for this important step in protecting the Arctic NWR. We look forward to working with the Administration and Congress to repeal the language that required lease sales in this protected area and changed the purpose of the refuge to oil and gas development.
- Geoffrey L. Haskett, President of the National Wildlife Refuge Association
There is still work to be done. While this lease suspension is a vital first step, it does not guarantee that all drilling will be permanently blocked in this refuge. To take action and learn more, visit: