Welcoming Backcountry Hunters & Anglers To The Cooperative Alliance for Refuge Enhancement — The National Wildlife Refuge Association

Welcoming Backcountry Hunters & Anglers To The Cooperative Alliance for Refuge Enhancement

As Chair of the Cooperative Alliance for Refuge Enhancement (CARE), the National Wildlife Refuge Association is pleased to announce the addition of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers to this important coalition. 

CARE now comprises 24 wildlife, sporting, scientific, and conservation organizations that span the political spectrum, representing more than 16 million Americans who value outdoor recreation and wildlife conservation. CARE represents birders, hunters, anglers, biologists, fish and wildlife professionals, environmentalists, scientists, professors, students, and much more. 

CARE was created in 1995 to bring together these disparate groups around shared values and their love of wildlife in order to advocate for increased funding for the National Wildlife Refuge System — lands where wildlife and humans can thrive. 

“Sportsmen and women have a proud history with our National Wildlife Refuge System, from the designation of the very first unit at Pelican Island and creation of the federal duck stamp to efforts currently underway to expand the system and enhance public access. Backcountry Hunters & Anglers recognizes the important role of refuges in providing habitat for fish, wildlife, and migratory bird species,” says John Gale, Conservation Director. “Consequently, we are excited to join the Cooperative Alliance for Refuge Enhancement and to work with CARE members to advocate for the Refuge System and the value it brings all Americans. With increased refuge visitation far outpacing appropriated management funds, an alliance of diverse stakeholders like CARE is critical to help secure increased funding for the Refuge System so it can continue its mission of conservation.”

The National Wildlife Refuge Association looks forward to this new partnership with Backcountry Hunters & Anglers—an important voice for public lands, waters, and wildlife—and working together within CARE to increase much-needed support for the National Wildlife Refuge System.