Voices for Nature; Advocates for National Wildlife Refuges — The National Wildlife Refuge Association

Voices for Nature; Advocates for National Wildlife Refuges

National Wildlife Refuge Association to Honor Five Awardees for Conservation Accomplishments on September 14, 2022,
in Washington D.C.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – August 26TH, 2022

Some of the most outstanding advocates of the National Wildlife Refuge System’s protected public lands will be honored for their contributions on September 14 in Washington, DC. The 2022 Wildlife Refuge Awards dinner will take place at 7 p.m. at the Mayflower Hotel. Media is welcome to attend and cover the program and the ceremony will be livestreamed for all to attend across the country. 

“The work of protecting national wildlife refuges throughout the country is vital to ensure our wildlife can thrive in a stable environment and our communities will have undisturbed land to enjoy for generations,” said Geoffrey L. Haskett, President of the National Wildlife Refuge Association. ”This year’s awardees embody dedication, energy, and passion for these precious lands, and the results of their work strengthen the safety and vibrancy of the National Wildlife Refuge System”.

The 2022 Wildlife Refuge Awards recipients are:

  • Rodney “Rod” Colvin, Refuge Volunteer of the Year, Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge and Ash Meadows Fish Conservation Facility, Nevada.

  • Federal Wildlife Officer Robert Peloquin, Refuge Employee of the Year, Desert National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Nevada.

  • Friends of Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, Molly Krival - Refuge Friends Group of the Year, Southern California.

  • Michael Johnson, Paul Kroegel - Refuge Manager of the Year, Clarks River and Green River National Wildlife Refuges, Kentucky.

  • David Raskin, Refuge Advocate of the Year, Alaska’s National Wildlife Refuges.

Sponsors for the 2022 Wildlife Refuge Awards include:

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; Association of Zoos and Aquariums; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Defenders of Wildlife; Carl and Kathy Woodward; William Dodge Angle Family, Friends of Plum Island, NY; Rob Morgan and Janice Erich; James F. McClelland III; Trinchera Blanca Foundation; National Audubon Society; The Nature Conservancy; Ducks Unlimited; The Wilderness Society; The Conservation Fund; Lynn Scarlett; Rebecca Rubin and Lee Halterman; Alaska Wilderness League, and Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership.