Celebrating 48 Years of Wildlife Protection: The National Wildlife Refuge Association's Birthday

As the National Wildlife Refuge Association celebrates its 48th birthday, it is worth taking a moment to reflect on the important work this organization has done in protecting, promoting, and enhancing the National Wildlife Refuge System.

Founded on January 8th, 1975, the National Wildlife Refuge Association has been a leading advocate for the preservation and conservation of America's wildlife and natural habitats. Through its efforts, the National Wildlife Refuge Association has helped to advocate on behalf of a network of more than 560 national wildlife refuges across the country. National wildlife refuges provide critical habitats for a diverse array of species and serve as vital educational and recreational resources for the public.

One of the key ways the National Wildlife Refuge Association has supported the National Wildlife Refuge System is by advocating for increased funding and resources. This has included lobbying in the halls of Congress and working with federal agencies to secure the necessary funding to properly manage and protect these important areas. In addition, the National Wildlife Refuge Association has also worked to increase public awareness and understanding of the importance of these national wildlife refuges, through outreach and education efforts such as webinars for local Refuge Friends groups, and educational programs and community engagement through our Urban Wildlife Refuge Program.

Another important aspect of the National Wildlife Refuge Association’s work has been its efforts to enhance the National Wildlife Refuge System. This has included supporting habitat restoration and management efforts, as well as working to establish new national wildlife refuges and expand existing ones. In this way, the National Wildlife Refuge Association has helped to ensure that the National Wildlife Refuge System remains a vital and thriving network of protected areas for wildlife and people alike.

As the National Wildlife Refuge Association marks its 48th birthday, it is clear that we are playing a crucial role in protecting and promoting the National Wildlife Refuge System. From our advocacy efforts to our work to enhance and expand these important areas, the National Wildlife Refuge Association has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to the conservation of America's natural resources and the well-being of its wildlife. We are so grateful for the support of our donors, supporters, and partners who have helped us to carry out this important work for the past 48 years. Here's to many more years of protecting, promoting, and enhancing the National Wildlife Refuge System with your help!