CARE Launches New Website To Fund National Wildlife Refuges

The Cooperative Alliance for Refuge Enhancement (CARE) is proud to announce the release of our new website, As the chair of the coalition, the National Wildlife Refuge Association is excited to unveil this new platform for the benefit of increased funding and support of the National Wildlife Refuge System.

CARE is a national coalition of 24 wildlife, sporting, scientific, and conservation organizations that span the political spectrum, representing over 16 million Americans who value outdoor recreation and wildlife conservation. CARE represents birders, hunters, anglers, biologists, fish and wildlife professionals, environmentalists, scientists, professors, students, and more. CARE was created in 1995 to unite these disparate groups around shared values and their love of wildlife to advocate for increased funding for the National Wildlife Refuge System — lands where nature and humans can thrive.

Member organizations include the American Birding Association, American Fisheries Society, American Sportfishing Association, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, Defenders of Wildlife, Ducks Unlimited, Inc., Izaak Walton League of America, Marine Conservation Institute, National Audubon Society, National Rifle Association, National Wildlife Federation, Safari Club International, Sportsmen's Alliance, The Corps Network, The Nature Conservancy, The Wilderness Society, The Wildlife Society, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Trout Unlimited, Wildlife Forever, and Wildlife Management Institute.

In addition to providing information about the National Wildlife Refuge System and ways to support it, the new website also features news and updates about CARE's ongoing efforts to protect and enhance national wildlife refuges across the country. CARE uses the unique skill sets of its member organizations to advocate for sufficient federal funding for the Operations and Maintenance budget of the National Wildlife Refuge System. CARE members meet regularly with Members of Congress and their staff, work closely with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, hold briefings and events on Capitol Hill, testify before Congress, and compile comprehensive reports on the state of the Refuge System.

"We're thrilled to release this new website and provide a central platform for people to get involved with the National Wildlife Refuge System," said Geoffrey L. Haskett, President of the National Wildlife Refuge Association. "With increased support, we can ensure that our wildlife refuges continue to serve as a vital resource for protecting wildlife and preserving our natural heritage."

We invite you to visit and explore the site to learn more about the Cooperative Alliance for Refuge Enhancement and the National Wildlife Refuge Association's role with CARE. Together, we can ensure that the unique and valuable National Wildlife Refuge System continues to thrive and provide vital habitat for countless species and opportunities for outdoor recreation and conservation education for generations to come.