Urban Wildlife Refuge Program

National Wildlife Refuge Association Welcomes Natalie Balaguer as South Florida Regional Partnership Specialist

National Wildlife Refuge Association Welcomes Natalie Balaguer as South Florida Regional Partnership Specialist

The National Wildlife Refuge Association is thrilled to welcome Natalie Balaguer as our new South Florida Regional Partnership Specialist! Based in her home region, Natalie is already making waves across South Florida by reinvigorating partnerships and stewarding exciting conservation initiatives through the Urban Wildlife Refuge Program.

We're Hiring: South Florida Regional Partnership Specialist

We're Hiring: South Florida Regional Partnership Specialist

The National Wildlife Refuge Association is seeking a dynamic and experienced Regional Partnership Specialist to join our Urban Wildlife Refuge Program team in South Florida. This full-time position will play a key role in expanding the reach of the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge’s Urban Program, fostering community engagement, building partnerships, and promoting wildlife conservation across diverse urban communities.

Building Connections Through Fishing In The Northeast

Building Connections Through Fishing In The Northeast

The National Wildlife Refuge Association is thrilled to share the success of the recent Cops and Bobbers fishing program, a collaborative effort by Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, Groundwork Elizabeth, and the Elizabeth Police Department, under our Urban Wildlife Refuge Program in the Northeast. This exciting event introduced over 50 youth summer campers to fishing and archery for the first time, fostering connections with nature and community. Dive into the full story to see how we're making a difference!

A Journey Through The Heart Of Conservation: Exploring New Mexico's National Wildlife Refuges

A Journey Through The Heart Of Conservation: Exploring New Mexico's National Wildlife Refuges

New Mexico, known as the "Land of Enchantment," captivates visitors with its diverse landscapes, never-ending sunsets, and rich natural and cultural heritage. Recently, the National Wildlife Refuge Association's board and staff embarked on an inspiring journey to the heart of this enchanting state. The mission: to explore and gain insights from two exceptional national wildlife refuges - Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge and Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge.

Celebrating Success: The Remarkable Return of the Black-Footed Ferret

Celebrating Success: The Remarkable Return of the Black-Footed Ferret

During our Refuges For Recovery campaign, we highlight one of the Endangered Species Act's most iconic success stories: the black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes). Not too long ago, these elusive creatures teetered on the brink of extinction, with only a handful left in the wild. Today, we're proud to say that the black-footed ferret population is steadily growing, thanks to the unwavering dedication and collaborative efforts of conservationists, scientists, and the National Wildlife Refuge System.

Delray Beach Creates Second Pocket Refuge as Part of Urban Wildlife Refuge Program

Delray Beach Creates Second Pocket Refuge as Part of Urban Wildlife Refuge Program

We've got some seriously exciting news for you. This Earth Day, the National Wildlife Refuge Association teamed up with the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, the City of Delray Beach’s Department of Parks and Recreation, and the Department of Sustainability to create a groundbreaking Pocket Refuge at the Family Recreation and Fitness Center Playground.

Urban Partners Team Up to Plant Trees in Chauncey Park for Earth Day

Urban Partners Team Up to Plant Trees in Chauncey Park for Earth Day

An Earth Month celebration was held on April 8, 2023, at Chauncey Park in Dobbs Ferry, NY, in collaboration with the National Wildlife Refuge Association, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Groundwork Hudson Valley, and Moms Organic Market. The event aimed to unite community members to stabilize the riparian habitat along the Sawmill River. Groundwork Hudson Valley led the planting of 68 potted dogwoods, elderberry, and birch trees along the banks of Sawmill River Island.

New Urban Community Engagement Specialist Helps Expand Conservation Impact in New York, New Jersey

New Urban Community Engagement Specialist Helps Expand Conservation Impact in New York, New Jersey

As far back as she can remember, Lucy Crespo hasn’t liked being indoors. Maybe it’s in her genes: she was born in Argentina, surrounded by forests and mountains, lush grass and plants, and rivers that ran by her home. The air was crisp and sweet, the water clear.

That’s all a distant memory for her now. When she was four years old, Lucy and her family left home in search of a better and more prosperous life, eventually settling thousands of miles away in Elizabeth, New Jersey.

Elizabeth Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership Christmas Bird Count!

Elizabeth Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership Christmas Bird Count!

Elizabeth, New Jersey is home to skyscrapers, parking lots, and one of the busiest seaports in the eastern United States, but may not immediately come to mind when thinking of a location for bird watching as part of the Audubon Society’s annual Christmas Bird Count. Appearances can be deceiving though, as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, along with the Friends of the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, Groundwork Elizabeth, and the National Wildlife Refuge Association, successfully hosted their third-annual Christmas Bird Count in Elizabeth on December 17, 2022.

Celebrating Urban Wildlife Conservation Day

Celebrating Urban Wildlife Conservation Day

Urban Wildlife Conservation Day, is an annual celebration of nearby nature that invites everyone to connect with the outdoors, from National Wildlife Refuges to local parks. Urban Wildlife Conservation Day was established in 2018 to recognize and celebrate more than 100 urban national wildlife refuges that are within 25 miles of cities and towns across the country.