This month, the Bureau of Land Management released their Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program--the plan to drill in the irreplaceable wilderness of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. BLM has selected the most aggressive of their four options, meaning they have chosen to not exclude some areas in order to protect biological and ecological resources. Ironically, this proposal was released the same day as the Senate released their wilderness bill, and a day before the House voted to restrict drilling in the Refuge completely.
We Need Your Help To Protect Cabeza Prieta!
Your Senators are members of the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee. And the Senate Interior Appropriations funding bill is being marked up next week, and we have the perfect opportunity to protect the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge.
Call your Senator TODAY and ask them to put language in the Interior appropriations bill that PROHIBITS the transfer of lands at the Cabeza Prieta NWR.
Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge Handed Over In Order To Build Border Wall
In an outrageous move, the Trump Administration announced last night that the Interior Department is planning on transferring 560 acres of federal land to the military for border wall construction. At least one wildlife refuge is impacted, but up to three could ultimately face a handover to the U.S. Army.
San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex
Wild is closer than you think.
National Wildlife Refuges are some of the best places for wildlife photography thanks to their abundance of wildlife.
Nature photography offers a chance to be still, be silent, be patient, and ultimately to become engrossed in the challenge of capturing rare glimpses of nature’s mysteries; or to capture new views of the common but cool.
South Texas National Wildlife Refuge Complex
Fall Into Wildlife Refuges
House Passes Bill To Prohibit Oil Exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Just now, the House has voted 225-193 to pass H.R. 1146, to prohibit oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. We are thrilled that the House has acknowledged the importance of this landscape. We will continue the fight in the Senate and beyond to ensure that oil and gas drilling never happens in the Arctic Refuge.