Here at the National Wildlife Refuge Association, we asked our staff and board what they are looking forward to on national wildlife refuges in 2021. We know that these times have been challenging, so we are hopeful and looking forward to what 2021 may bring for our National Wildlife Refuge System.
Protections for Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge Included in Introduced Bill
Located in the northeast corner of Nevada, Ruby Lake NWR is an expansive marsh nestled in the High Desert, at the southern end of the Ruby Mountains. Today, Senator Catherine Cortez Masto introduced a bill that would protect the Ruby Mountains and Ruby Lake NWR from future oil and gas development. We applaud the Senator for her forethought and for the inclusion of the Ruby Lake NWR in this package.
What Fuels You: Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge
What Fuels You: An Electric Road Trip has made it to Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge, a part of Portland-Vancouver National Wildlife Refuges! Did you know Tualatin River NWR has an amazing friends group? Friends of the Refuge is a huge support to the urban national wildlife refuge which is less than 30 minutes outside of downtown Portland, Oregon!
Bill Introduced Would Designate 1.3 million Acres of Wilderness in the Desert National Wildlife Refuge
Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) introduced a bill that would designate 1.3 million acres of wilderness in the Desert National Wildlife Refuge. Located just outside the city limits of Las Vegas, the Desert NWR protects 1.6 million acres of the largest contiguous Desert bighorn sheep habitat in the Lower 48. This refuge is also home to the threatened Desert tortoise.
Catawba College Presentation Tomorrow: State’s Hidden Treasures Beckon
Imagine seeing 5,000 redhead ducks on one 300-acre impoundment or a dozen black bears on a single ride through forest roads. These sights are available to North Carolinians in what Mike Bryant calls “the hidden treasures” — the 11 National Wildlife Refuges in the state.
Saving The Everglades Headwaters National Wildlife Refuge
From Orlando south to Lake Okeechobee lies the Everglades Headwaters National Wildlife Refuge, a region that plays an essential role in protecting and restoring water resources and contains more endemic species (found nowhere else) and some of the highest biodiversity in the nation. This area supplies the water needed for Everglades restoration and drinking water for one-third of all Floridians, and supports iconic species such as the Florida panther, the round-tailed muskrat, Everglade Snail Kite, Crested Caracara, wading birds galore, and many others that make Florida one of the most vibrant wildlife areas in the country.
Florida Grasshopper Sparrow - There is hope.
The National Wildlife Refuge Association and its partners are advancing critical conservation efforts by working to protect habitat for the Florida grasshopper sparrow. Our land conservation projects within the region are resulting in significant gains in protecting remaining wild Florida grasshopper sparrow populations.
The Florida Grasshopper Sparrow is the most endangered bird in the continental United States; it will almost certainly go extinct without herculean efforts to recover the population. Over the past few decades, the total number of these birds known to exist on the planet dwindled from in the thousands to a low of only a few dozen left in the wilds of south-central Florida just a few years ago.
However, there are signs of hope. In the last two years, the outlook has improved for this delicate little bird characteristic of Florida’s unique dry prairie landscapes. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), White Oak plantation, and other partners have been working together over the last five years to increase population numbers for the Florida grasshopper sparrow through arduous habitat management, nest protection, and predator management in conjunction with intensive captive breeding.
The program has now successfully reared and released dozens of sparrows on several public and private conservation lands in south-central Florida. And it is working; the released birds are breeding and the population numbers in the wild are increasing.
All this work is happening within the boundary of the Everglades Headwaters National Wildlife Refuge (EHNWR). This essential refuge has an acquisition boundary that encompasses almost a million acres – an area that stretches from just south of Orlando down to Lake Okeechobee. It will eventually protect a combination of public and private lands of at least 150,000 acres that includes land that contains newly discovered populations of Florida grasshopper sparrow.
If successful, these efforts will ensure the future of Florida dry prairie and the ranchlands of the region, which will continue to provide the critical wildlife habitat, water conservation, wildlife corridors, and natural resource recreation benefits in this region of rich and unique biodiversity and cultural history.
The National Wildlife Refuge Association has worked closely with the University of Florida Center for Landscape Conservation Planning, the USFWS, Florida state agencies, and others to ensure that the best available science is used to guide conservation-based land protection resulting in the most strategic return on investment, including the identification and protection of the best remaining habitat of the Florida grasshopper sparrow.
Identifying properties that might contain habitat conditions that could support these birds is a challenging task that requires painstaking property analysis by experts in botany and avian ecology. To find these tiny sparrows in thousands of acres of wilderness requires laborious surveys performed by teams of avian ecologists who can discern the faintest note of their song and parse out the reproductive implications of any behaviors that they may observe.
Our partner, Lance Arvidson of Common Ground Ecology, recently discovered a previously unknown population of the Florida grasshopper sparrow on a private ranch. We supported Common Ground Ecology to subsequently assemble and lead a team of Florida grasshopper sparrow experts to thoroughly document the population. This analysis found that the new population likely contains nearly as many wild Florida grasshopper sparrows as are in each of the only two known populations of significance.
We are proud that our support better documented an unknown population of this critically imperiled bird. We are facilitating a state-federal partnership to protect this land and the sparrows; we are working with USFWS and the state’s Florida Forever Program to leverage enough funding to ensure the protection of this 6200-acre ranch forever.
The National Wildlife Refuge Association – working with USFWS, the State of Florida’s Forever and Rural and Family Lands Protection Program and other partners such as Audubon Florida, Ducks Unlimited, and Open Space Institute has also helped protect other nearby properties that are adjacent to the largest remaining block of Florida grasshopper sparrow habitat in the Kissimmee Prairie State Preserve, including over 4,000 acres on the Triple Diamond Ranch; another 1,300 acres of dry prairie habitat will be protected in 2021.
The National Wildlife Refuge Association is committed to ensuring that the goals of the Everglades Headwaters National Wildlife Refuge are achieved, which includes protection of all the remaining occupied habitat of the Florida grasshopper sparrow as well as opportunities to re-establish populations on other available habitats within the core range of this extremely rare and endangered species.
We are continuing to work with the UFSWS, the state of Florida, and many other partners to raise the critical funds to protect the ranches and other lands critical to the Florida grasshopper sparrow and the many other threatened and endangered species dependent on the dry prairie landscape of south-central Florida before they are lost to development.
The Refuge Association works closely with the University of Florida Center for Landscape Conservation Planning, the USFWS, Florida state agencies, and others to ensure that the best available science is used to guide conservation-based land protection resulting in the most strategic return on investment, including the identification and protection of the best remaining habitat of the Florida grasshopper sparrow.
Introducing Our New Southwest Regional Representative, Gary Montoya
The National Wildlife Refuge Association is pleased to announce our newest addition to the team, Gary Montoya. Gary Montoya will be filling the role of our Southwest Regional Representative. Gary will represent the Refuge Association to facilitate communication with refuge managers, staff, Friends Groups, and local stakeholders about issues affecting refuges.
An Update On The Delay Of Mail Donations
As you may know, the U.S. Postal Service has been extremely delayed in the delivery of packages and mail during the holiday season. Because of COVID-19 and the increase in volume, holiday packages, cards, and letters are slowly showing up on our doorsteps. This has also been the case for our supporters donating towards our end of the year campaign.
Four Conservation Groups Sue Federal Agencies for Approving Huge High-Voltage Transmission Line to Cut Through the Protected Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge
Today, four conservation groups – the National Wildlife Refuge Association, Driftless Area Land Conservancy, Wisconsin Wildlife Federation and Defenders of Wildlife – filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin against the Rural Utilities Service for violating the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) by failing to sufficiently consider reasonable alternatives, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for violating the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act in approving the unneeded huge Cardinal-Hickory Creek high-voltage transmission line and 20-story high towers that will cut a wide swath through the protected Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, and the scenic Driftless Area’s vital natural resources.