Promoting The National Wildlife Refuge System

Promoting the National Wildlife Refuge System has always been one of the National Wildlife Refuge Association’s main priorities.  One day we hope that the integrity of our national wildlife refuges will mean something to all future members of Congress, the President, companies, and the American public. If we are successful, the National Wildlife Refuge System and the wildlife that call it home will not have to struggle to be protected because everyone will see their immeasurable value. Having a strong and supportive community for our national wildlife refuges is the key to making this happen and during times where things are uncertain, it is more important than ever.  

But the fact of the matter is that the majority of Americans have never heard of a national wildlife refuge nor do they understand why they were established. A mantra that often floats around for the Refuge System is ‘America’s Best Kept Secret’. If the general public does not know about the Refuge System and all the wildlife it provides for how can we expect the public to want to protect these unique public lands? That is where the National Wildlife Refuge Association steps in. 

Here are some examples of how we promote the National Wildlife Refuge System and its value to wildlife conservation:

  • Through our Urban Wildlife Refuge Program, Angie Horn works with partners on the ground to promote and deliver nature-based programs and experiences in Southern California that engage people in the outdoors and build a strong network of conservation champions for the National Wildlife Refuge System and all public lands. Fishing, archery, kayaking, planting, and clean-up programs create a positive connection to the outdoors and can spark a lifelong interest in it, from volunteering to voting. We are currently working to expand our Urban Program.

  • Our Regional Representatives work across the country to engage with our various partners including refuge Staff, refuge volunteers, Refuge Friends groups, and more. They assist in creating Congressional testimony or comments as appropriate, contribute to articles on relevant topics of interest, provide analysis and review of USFWS-DOI proposed policy or regulations, and represent the National Wildlife Refuge Association at public meetings, events, and conservation partners meetings.

  • We use online communications to reach out and build a strong supporter base for our National Wildlife Refuge System. Supporters just like you speak out every day on behalf of our National Wildlife Refuge System. Since the wildlife that depends on national wildlife refuges can’t speak, your voice makes a difference with Congress and with national and local officials.

We hope that as a fellow lover of national wildlife refuges you feel free to contact us any time to share something special about your local wildlife refuge, a story about your last visit, or concerns you have for your national wildlife refuge.
