A Little Homework for Friends
By Cheryl Hart, Coalition of Refuge Friends and Advocates
The National Wildlife Refuge Association and Coalition of Refuge Friends and Advocates are mounting a targeted advocacy campaign focused on the understaffing of our national wildlife refuges. In preparation for this campaign, will you begin gathering compelling stories about how the shortage of staff is impacting your refuge and Refuge Friends group—and your visitors? Arrange a time for an in-person conversation with your refuge manager about how this staffing shortage is impacting the habitat, wildlife, staff, and visitors. Are there other supporters of your refuge who might be willing to speak up? Have you explained to your community partners why services and programs at your refuge have diminished?
When Cynthia Martinez presented the May webinar on the President’s budget, she pointed out just how drastic the cuts in funding for refuges have been. You can see her slide deck here. You might want to pay special attention to slides 7-9.
It’s time for a little homework to prepare to be a strong advocate for your local national wildlife refuge and the National Wildlife Refuge System.