Friends of Tualatin River NWRC Connect with Greenway Elementary School (OR)

By Bonnie Anderson, Executive Director, Friends of Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex

In 2019 the Friends of TRNWRC began an outreach program with a local Title 1 school in Beaverton, Oregon. What began as a way to supply nature-related educational materials to an underserved school has blossomed into a full-scale, in-depth environmental education program. Last year, with support from refuge staff, a pilot program called TREE (Tualatin River Environmental Education) was developed. Last school year’s theme was “We Are Water Protectors.” The entire school embraced learning about the importance of the Pacific Lamprey and what students can do as individuals to help protect the lamprey’s habitat. “Save the Lamprey” became the mission of the students at Greenway.

Friday with the Friends | Bonnie Anderson / Friends of Tualatin River NWRC

Our volunteers, along with Friends and refuge staff, spend time in the classroom each month delivering curriculum on that month’s theme and connecting what they have learned back to the Tualatin River NWRC. The Friends also host a “Friday with the Friends” on the first Friday of each month. We have provided binoculars, monoculars, and spotting scopes to Greenway, and a group of Friends volunteers teach students about birding during their recess. This is a very popular activity at the school, and it’s heartwarming to hear the students yell, “The FRIENDS are here!!!”

During this past year each grade level created a Change Maker program – a way that they can personally effect positive change for our environment. The Friends were able to provide equipment to help them achieve these projects. Click here for a website showcasing the projects and our partnership.

Family with bird house made at Mini Bird Fest | Bonnie Anderson / Friends of Tualatin River NWRC

These projects were presented at the 2nd Annual Mini Bird Fest in April of 2022, a school-wide festival organized by the Friends and the school. This event provides families with an opportunity to learn about the TREE program projects, but also an opportunity to build a bird house, learn how to cast a fishing line, talk with a biologist from USFWS about the Pacific Lamprey, and so much more. The attendance at this event is one of the highest they have recorded. The Mini Bird Fest also includes a weeklong bird count, which allows students the opportunity to use the skills they have learned at school with the Friends on their own. 

At the end of the year the Friends provide every student the opportunity to visit the refuge for an all-school fieldtrip. For many students it was their first fieldtrip ever and the first time visiting a national wildlife refuge. It was a wonderful way to end the school year and will continue to be a part of our program with Greenway.

As the new school year begins, we are excited to continue to study the Pacific Lamprey, but also to start our new theme of “Animals as Engineers.” The staff from Greenway was at the refuge in August for training on this year’s theme. The students are excited to learn, and they have been empowered to know that they can all make a difference!