Your CORFA Board Says: “Help Wanted!”

By Coalition of Refuge Friends and Advocates (CORFA)

During the sharing sessions hosted by CORFA and the National Wildlife Refuge Association earlier this year and at the National Friends Workshop this spring at the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC), Friends expressed a need for opportunities to get together to discuss a variety of topics. Basically, Friends wanted to replicate the opportunities they had during breaks at NCTC to voice their concerns, discuss challenges, and get input from other Friends.

CORFA is proposing a pilot program that would involve hosting Zoom calls led by a facilitator. To do this, we will need a facilitator. Here is a link to the position description outlining the duties and responsibilities for this facilitator: Topics will be identified and discussed. The role of the facilitator would be to guide the discussion to ensure that all the Friends can participate, understand the group’s common objectives, and identify and keep a record of future needs.

If you are interested in assisting with this effort, please contact us at