Restoring Klamath Basin And Its National Wildlife Refuges To Wildlife Havens

Restoring Klamath Basin  And Its National Wildlife Refuges To Wildlife Havens

Historically, the Klamath Basin has been a crucial part of the Pacific Flyway for migratory waterfowl, owing to its approximately 185,000 acres of wetlands attracting more than seven million waterfowl each year. The renowned ornithologist Roger Tory Peterson wrote that the Klamath Basin was one of the few places in the country where you could see more than one million birds on a given day. Unfortunately, given climate change and drought, that is no longer the case.

Public Witness Day Testimony for FY23 Appropriations For The National Wildlife Refuge System

Public Witness Day Testimony for FY23 Appropriations For The National Wildlife Refuge System

Written testimony by Caroline Brouwer, Vice President, Government Affairs, National Wildlife Refuge Association, for the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies

Happy 119th Birthday To The National Wildlife Refuge System

Happy 119th Birthday To The National Wildlife Refuge System

Today we wish a very happy 119th birthday to the National Wildlife Refuge System!

The National Wildlife Refuge System began in 1903 when President Theodore Roosevelt created a “Federal Bird Reservation” at Pelican Island in Florida to save brown pelicans. The protection of this three-acre mangrove island was a pivotal moment for the American conservation movement, laying the groundwork for what would become our system of national wildlife refuges.

Statement on the House Appropriations Committee’s release of FY2022 Omnibus language

Statement on the House Appropriations Committee’s release of FY2022 Omnibus language

The National Wildlife Refuge Association strongly supports increased funding for the National Wildlife Refuge System, the largest system of public lands set aside for wildlife in the world. Covering 95 million acres of land and 750 million acres of ocean, the Refuge System is currently funded at just under 60¢ per acre per year. Year after year, the Refuge System remains underfunded, with little traction in Congress to increase funding for habitat that serves not just wildlife species, but people as well.

Refuge & Hatchery Friends Photo Contest February 2022 Winner— Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge

Refuge & Hatchery Friends Photo Contest February 2022 Winner— Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge

For February the winning photo taken by Dale Bales, is of a bison and a fiery red sunset at Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge, Prairie City, Iowa. Linda Frazier has other photos of the Refuge.

Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge in Prairie City, Iowa was established in 1990 with the purpose to protect, restore and reconstruct and manage native ecosystems of tallgrass prairie, oak savanna, and sedge meadow.

Request For Testimony On FY2023 Appropriations For The National Wildlife Refuge System To The House

Request For Testimony On FY2023 Appropriations For The National Wildlife Refuge System To The House

I truly appreciate all the Friends and Friends Groups who submitted testimony to the House and Senate last spring. We are *still* waiting to see the results of that push for increased funding since Congress has still not passed an FY2022 appropriations bill. The House of Representatives, however, is beginning their Fiscal Year 2023 push without any final FY2022 numbers and without the release of the President’s Budget Request (which we are expecting any day).

Proposed Farallon Islands NWR Mouse Eradication Project Successfully Achieves an Important Milestone

Proposed Farallon Islands NWR Mouse Eradication Project Successfully Achieves an Important Milestone

The National Wildlife Refuge Association joined other environmental and scientific organizations in successfully supporting the proposed mouse eradication project at the December 16, 2021 hearing of the California Coastal Commission. After the seven-hour emotion-laden hearing, the Commission narrowly voted to approve the refuge’s Coastal Consistency Determination for the project.

National Wildlife Refuges with Ties to African American History

National Wildlife Refuges with Ties to African American History

As we celebrate the many contributions of African Americans and African American culture to the United States during National African American History Month in February, let us take a moment to recognize the National Wildlife Refuges with ties to African American history.

Looking Forward To Working With Martha Williams As Confirmed Director of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Looking Forward To Working With Martha Williams As Confirmed Director of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The National Wildlife Refuge Association congratulates Martha Williams on her confirmation as the Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Director Williams’ many years of experience in wildlife conservation, policy, and management will serve her well in her tenure leading the National Wildlife Refuge System, the largest and most expansive set of lands set aside for wildlife and habitat in the world.

Spotlight On Refuge Projects: Tidal Wetlands Restoration Project – first of its kind in Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge

Spotlight On Refuge Projects: Tidal Wetlands Restoration Project – first of its kind in Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge

A multitude of benefits and a model for the future. That’s the result of the recently completed White Slough Tidal Wetlands Restoration Project at Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge in California.