Previews of Coming Webinars

By Sue Wilder, Member of the CORFA Board

We are looking forward to our upcoming webinars and hope you’ll join us.

  • In June, we will be hosting our annual "Chat with the Chief" with Cynthia Martinez, Chief of the National Wildlife Refuge System. This webinar will provide updates for Friends on the latest news from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Refuge System.

  • Two additional upcoming topics include "Building Community Partnerships" with Angie Horn, Director of the Urban Wildlife Refuge Program, National Wildlife Refuge Association, to learn more about partnership development. We will also be hosting "Connecting with Local Media" with Megan Nagel, Office of Communications, Pacific Region, USFWS. Both July and August topics are sure to help Friends build local community relationships and expand outreach. Specific dates for these webinars will be announced shortly, so stay tuned and see you on our next webinar!

As always, please let us know of webinar topics that would interest you. Have an idea? Contact .