Your Roving Reporters Work The Crowd At The National Conservation Training Center

Photos by Joan VanGorp, President, Friends of Neal Smith NWR (IA)

Linda Oeffling
Member of the Board
Friends of Hackmatack NWR (WI/IL)

I was told that the NCTC workshop would be a great weekend, but it far exceeded my expectations. Maybe the deepest impression was that of the kindness and friendliness of everyone that we met. I went with a friend from our refuge, but I would not hesitate to go again by myself, as every group would welcome you in for warm conversation. The sessions were absolutely fantastic. I came away with a wealth of knowledge to share, ideas for improvement, and strategies for ways to overcome problems and grow as a healthy and functional Friends group. As a Friend who has little environmental education background, I was not sure I should be there, but that was disproved. You do not have to be an expert in the field to be able to make an impact as a Friend of the refuge. My heartfelt thanks go out to those who worked so hard to put this excellent event together!  

Sarah C. Meyer
Executive Director
Friends of Balcones Canyonlands NWR (TX)

As I reflect on my time at the National Friends Workshop, I keep returning to the same theme: partnership. Partnership, community, and collaboration are essential elements in achieving success in any situation. By working together and bringing our unique experiences and perspectives to the table, we can gain new insights, drive positive change, and build strong and sustainable communities that are committed to promoting and protecting America's Wildlife Refuges - now and well into the future.


Ian Bergemann
Member of the Board
Friends of Outer Island NWR (CT)

This was my first time attending the National Friends Workshop at the NCTC and it was an extremely heartwarming experience. I was overjoyed to learn about so many passionate environmentalists that come from all over the United States and the progress they have made at their wildlife refuges and hatcheries. The biggest takeaway from the training for me was that no matter how hard the challenges may be for me personally and for my Friends group, I know that I have Friends all over the country who inspire me to stay optimistic and enthusiastic about conservation.

We caught up with Glee Mayer, Audubon Refuge Partners, Inc. (ND), and Michelle Hendricks, Friends of Arthur R Marshall Loxahatchee NWR (FL), taking advantage of free time after dinner. Their social time provided an opportunity to expand their networks and learn what Friends are doing in other parts of the country. Glee told us that “this was my first trip to the NCTC (hope not my last) and the whole experience was amazing, from the facilities, food, fellowship, to workshop content. Networking with people from all over the country was just invaluable to me and others from our Friends group as we look forward to our mentoring session in June.”

Jade Pederson, Visitor Services Specialist, Sherburne NWR (MN)
BearPaw Shields, Member of the Board,
Friends of Sherburne NWR (MN)
Carol Mertesdorf, Vice President,
Friends of Sherburne NWR (MN)

This was a first-time visit for this group from Central Minnesota. Here’s what they thought about the experience.

  • Says Jade: As a new staff member, I had a limited view of the Refuge System before attending NCTC. I had gotten into the habit of only viewing the "small picture" needs of my refuge. Attending this workshop with advocates for refuges all over the United States helped me to understand not only how expansive the Refuge System is but also just how critical it is for wildlife. I left with new connections and a renewed sense of stewardship.

  • Says BearPaw: I found the Friends workshop to be very beneficial for learning the basics and the many different techniques of other groups to possibly incorporate into our group. I also met a lot of great contacts. I was also really impressed with the structure of the workshop's schedule; having many classes offered more than once made it easier to attend the classes without having to choose between two good ones.

  • Says Carol: At the Friends Workshop, I was impressed by all the staff and the great facility. I learned so many things in the various sessions about the USFWS, the many refuges and associated Friends groups, and the partnership groups that really make this a National Wildlife Refuge System. I also made many contacts that will be useful in the future!