Refuge Association Board

Meet The National Wildlife Refuge Association Board— Wayne Hubbard

Meet The National Wildlife Refuge Association Board— Wayne Hubbard

Each month, we highlight a former or current board member and get their thoughts on current events, how they got involved in National Wildlife Refuge Association, and what they love about nature and wildlife refuges.

Wayne Hubbard is the host and producer of Emmy-nominated Urban American Outdoors TV and has spent his career bringing outdoor recreation opportunities to urban audiences around the country for decades.

Meet The National Wildlife Refuge Association Board— Rebecca Rubin

Meet The National Wildlife Refuge Association Board— Rebecca Rubin

Rebecca Rubin was a member of our board for seven years and remains a passionate advocate for the environment. She lives in Fredericksburg, VA, and continues to work on environmental causes and projects.

Each month, we highlight a former or current board member and get their thoughts on current events, how they got involved with the National Wildlife Refuge Association, and what they love about nature and wildlife refuges.

National Wildlife Refuge Association 2021 Annual Report

National Wildlife Refuge Association 2021 Annual Report

The National Wildlife Refuge Association’s 2021 Annual Report is here, download the full report.

For 46 years, the National Wildlife Refuge Association has worked to support the National Wildlife Refuge System (, our country’s extraordinary network of over 850 million acres of lands and waters set aside for wildlife and their habitats. After nearly 2 years, the pandemic continues to disrupt normal operations everywhere and national wildlife refuges across the country are no exception. Even so, with the help of our incredible supporters and dynamic board and staff, the National Wildlife Refuge Association has adapted to meet these challenges, and we are stronger and more resilient than ever. None of our successes would be possible without our donors and supporters.

Guests Go Wild Over Wild About Wildlife Event in Palm Beach

Guests Go Wild Over Wild About Wildlife Event in Palm Beach

There was Ramen and Rissotto, the alligators and Rivali, Remus and Cass, the hawks and owl who welcomed the approximately 150 guests at the Wild About Wildlife event to benefit the Everglades Headwaters National Wildlife Refuge and the National Wildlife Refuge Association. The event was held outdoors in the lush gardens at the home of Richard and, Board Member, Dragana Connaughton in Palm Beach.

What We Are Looking Forward To On National Wildlife Refuges

What We Are Looking Forward To On National Wildlife Refuges

Here at the National Wildlife Refuge Association, we asked our staff and board what they are looking forward to on national wildlife refuges in 2021. We know that these times have been challenging, so we are hopeful and looking forward to what 2021 may bring for our National Wildlife Refuge System.

Elaine Meier named to the Board of Directors of the National Wildlife Refuge Association

Elaine Meier, owner of Elaine Meier Associates, LLC, in Florida, was named to the Board of Directors of the National Wildlife Refuge Association (NWRA) based in Washington DC. The NWRA is the leading non-government, non-profit voice advocating for wildlife conservation on the 568 refuges nationwide that comprise the National Wildlife Refuge System.

Sylvia Pelizza Selected to the Board of Directors of the National Wildlife Refuge Association

Sylvia Pelizza, formerly with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, was named to the Board of Directors of the National Wildlife Refuge Association (NWRA) based in Washington DC. The NWRA is the leading non-government, non-profit voice advocating for wildlife conservation on the 568 refuges nationwide that comprise the National Wildlife Refuge System.

NWRA Heads to Seattle and Olympia in Washington

NWRA Heads to Seattle and Olympia in Washington

The National Wildlife Refuge Association’s staff and board members recently attended their biannual board meeting in Olympia, Washington and a fundraising event in Seattle, Washington. They ended the trip with a visit with USFWS staff at Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge. It was a very successful and productive trip!